No More Delay Part 1. By Pastor Elijah Adams

The subject of delays in life cannot be overemphasized. Pastor Elijah Adams will be dealing with the subject ” No More Delay, Understanding Delay”in the Breakthrough Series. Our Text today is taken from the book of Proverbs 13:12.  Hope deferred makes the heart  sick, but  when the desire comes ,it  is a tree of life.

The word defer also means delay.The word delay simply means a period of time before something happen or takes place.

Delay is a process and not an end product, that you are experiencing delays does not mean your are denied, it will interest you to know that delay is part of life.

It is something that happens to all but in different ways.Therefore, don’t see your delays in life as something strange but rather as something that is common to all men.

Dear Friend, are you sick and tired of delays? Don’t be discourage, hope is on the way. Those situations and circumstances that made you cry will bow today in the name of Jesus Christ.

Guess what? God is about to turn things all around for your good. Your delay will work out for your betterment and to your detriment. I see nothing stopping you,I see your desires come through.

I bind whosoever or whatsoever that is causing your hope in life to defer, making life miserable, unenjoyable and unfulfilling in Jesus Name,Amen.

See you next week on Breakthrough feast with E. Adams.NO MORE DELAY.(2) The Danger Of Delay.

For More Details and Counselling Contact Pastor Elijah Adams At Lifestyle Church, Abuja, Nigeria. Email: Phone: 08035209011