How Loving My Wife Changed Everything About Me, The Same Can Happen To You If You Dare To Love Your Wife

Thereafter, my company rented office space and in the same building, there was a company that ran an incubation program. My own company was a part of that incubation program. So, we were supposed to be working from their own office space. At the time, a bevy of young ladies joined the company and that was when I noticed one of them. Even at the time, I didn’t pay too much attention to her or any of the new ladies at all. I was all about growing my business and fixing myself for the Queen to come.
However, among the bevy of ladies, this lady whom I had first noticed stood out. I continued to have a conversation with her, and she gave all the right answers very well, she crossed the Ts and dotted the Is.
On one good day, I was at the door of the library, and she asked me, “what do you really do?” It is rare to find ladies who’d ask you questions like that, so I took time out to tell her what my company was about. Instantly, she gave her thoughts and ideas about how similar business’s operated in the UK and the US, and I was blown away. From that, I saw that she was pretty smart. That same day, later in the afternoon, someone offered her a meal and in turn, she offered it to me.
A few weeks, down the line, I asked her out, and her response was no. She said she would wait for 3 months to think about it. And then I waited. It didn’t agitate me nor was I fazed. I was sure that she was for me and that it was all about biding my time. Three months passed, six months passed and I proposed again. This time, she said yes. It was along the line that I realized that even before she met me, she had also set October 4, 2019, as her wedding date. We were literally working on the same wavelength before we ever set eyes on each other.
430 days after I found her, I married her and as you may have guessed, we got married on the 4th of October 2019.
I’m a very impatient person but loving my wife and being with her has really taught me patience. I always say to people, ‘Glo and my wife have taught me how to properly live life. Sometimes, I get angry with my network and I could almost want to slam my phone on the ground but then I check myself by asking, ‘who’s going to pay for another phone?’ So, in the same way, loving her has made me see that there’s room for patience. Also, loving her has made me see life differently. It has changed my thought-pattern in a whole new direction. Because of her, I now do things better.
I found the Queen – not when I was searching but when I was doing what my hands found to do. Fix yourself while waiting or searching for ‘the Queen’. If you can’t multi-task, do them one after the other, just make sure you fix yourself first. The Queen deserves the best.”
He took his time to develop himself before searching for a partner, build and mould yourself first before entering a relationship, only if you want it to work out well. Always remember, that ‘slow and steady wins the race,’ be patience, life is a journey, step by step process to your destination.
How has loving your partner changed you? Please send us your comment in the section below. Let others learn from your own experience. Thank you.
The views expressed in this article are the writer’s, they do not reflect the views of Newera News